
control.rss(states=1, outputs=1, inputs=1, strictly_proper=False, **kwargs)

Create a stable random state space object.

  • inputs (int, list of str, or None) – Description of the system inputs. This can be given as an integer count or as a list of strings that name the individual signals. If an integer count is specified, the names of the signal will be of the form s[i] (where s is one of u, y, or x).

  • outputs (int, list of str, or None) – Description of the system outputs. Same format as inputs.

  • states (int, list of str, or None) – Description of the system states. Same format as inputs.

  • strictly_proper (bool, optional) – If set to ‘True’, returns a proper system (no direct term).

  • dt (None, True or float, optional) – System timebase. 0 (default) indicates continuous time, True indicates discrete time with unspecified sampling time, positive number is discrete time with specified sampling time, None indicates unspecified timebase (either continuous or discrete time).

  • name (string, optional) – System name (used for specifying signals). If unspecified, a generic name <sys[id]> is generated with a unique integer id.


sys – The randomly created linear system

Return type



ValueError – if any input is not a positive integer


If the number of states, inputs, or outputs is not specified, then the missing numbers are assumed to be 1. If dt is not specified or is given as 0 or None, the poles of the returned system will always have a negative real part. If dt is True or a postive float, the poles of the returned system will have magnitude less than 1.